How to perform well on the actual day of the interview?

In our previous article, we discussed the importance of preparation in nailing a job interview. Being well-prepared is just half the battle won. The other half comes when you enter the battlefield knowing what to expect, the strategies to win and to ace it.
• Give yourself ample time to travel to the interview location. You will be able to stay relaxed and composed.
• Stand and greet the interviewer(s) with a smile and a firm handshake. An obvious point to make but sometimes it may just slip your mind.
• An interview is supposed to be a 2-way conversation. Slot in the questions that you have prepared when appropriate. It is rude to cut in when the other is talking.
• At the end of the interview, the interviewer(s) will usually end off by asking if there are any other questions. Most candidates will say no and leave. Ideally, it would be good to keep one question for the end. If not, you can stick to “May I know if I have done well in this interview, and if not, do you have any advice for me to improve on?”.
The key takeaway point is that preparation and performance go hand-in-hand for a successful interview!
Written by Gabriel